White Rock & Black Bear (B1)

Originally published at: https://accvi.ca/events/white-rock-black-bear-b1/

White Rock & Black Bear (B2)

Date: Sunday November 8 Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Category: Hike (up and down)

Rating: a day hike up and down White Rock and Black Bear. B2 (B: moderately strenuous, 6 hours hiking time, ~600m elevation gain, day pack; 2: mostly up and then down on mainly unmaintained trails).

Details: a hike in the Sea to Sea Regional Park (Sooke hills) to White Rock and Black Bear, passing the Mary Vine Falls, part of the hike inlcudes walking on the pipeline (challenging for those with fear of heights) and the trail up to White rock has a steep section with exposure, including scrambling on slippery rock. For our way down we will choose a different trail through the forest.

Attitude: today is my favourite day attitude.

Gear: good sturdy hiking shoes are mandatory, let’s assume sunny weather and let’s be ready for rain. Make sure you bring what is needed to stay dry, warm, well fed and bring a daypack with the other 10 essentials.

  • Contact: Zoe (Melanie) Minnaard, zoeminnaard@gmail.com