Originally published at: Sooke Hills Ramble – Larkspur, Rick & Monument, Sunday Dec. 15th (B2) – Alpine Club of Canada Vancouver Island Section
Meeting time/place: Meet at 8:30 AM at the Charters River parking (2895 Sooke River Road). We will want to be leaving by 8:45 AM.
Required gear: Sturdy hiking boots, gaiters (optional), pole(s) highly recommended, headlamp, raingear, warm layers including toque and gloves, water or tea, lunch/snacks and others of the ten essentials.
Description: Our route will be to Larkspur and Rick Peak and then the “shortcut” along Ghost Tree Ridge, bypassing Skull, to Monument Mt. and “Rachel Ledge”. If timing and energy permits the option exists to hike to Grass Lake and Grass dam and up to Devastation Peak and loop back to Charters. Please note that on this route there are some off trail portions so comfort with mild bushwacking. Best not to make any dinner plans early in the evening on a day like this, but we will aim to be off trail before dark. No dogs please, but hiking humans with a sense of adventure are welcome!! New and returning ACCVI members are of course also welcome. Warning….some of us like to scramble onto rocks, climb sturdy trees, take cold water dips, and relive our childhood a bit~!!
Max participants: 12
Leaders: Roger & Peggy Taylor
Contact: Peggy Taylor at peggyhiking@gmail.com to register or if you have any questions