Originally published at: Red Pillar, Harmston and Argus via Oshinow lake (C4) – Alpine Club of Canada Vancouver Island Section
Co-leaders: Melissa Betts <melissabetts@shaw.ca>, Brichelle Brucker <bbrucker777@gmail.com>
Thursday June 27: meet at Oshinow lake
Friday June 28: hike to red pillar camp
Saturday June 29: Summit Harmston and Argus
Sunday June 30: Summit Red Pillar
Monday July 1: Hike out.
Note: On this trip, we will be using the Ash Main gate access granted by Mosaic Forests, so only ACCVI members in good standing may join.
If you need any further details about this trip, please contact trip leaders
Trip Rating:
Harmston- class 3
Red Pillar- class 3, 4 and 5
Argus- class 3