What is the sweet spot for a 5040 ski trip? A day in, 2 days of skiing and a day out, road is clear enough to drive most of the way up but enough fresh stable snow to ski anything you come across, a fun cohesive group of skiers, add blue skies and you’ve got it made.
Ok, we didn’t get the powder or the blue bird skies, but otherwise the trip hit all the marks. We managed to get almost up to the main lot before we ditched the cars and started skinning, boot packing and back to skinning till we hit the hut. Skies were clear so a few of us made a dash to tag the summit for a twilight ski back.
We played cat and mouse with the fog for the next couple days, timing our runs with the clear patches. We had great food, learned how to fix broken bindings with zip ties, and how to tape up sprained fingers before heading back to the cars, which had melted themselves out for the return trip. I figured we pretty much hit the sweet spot.