Hišimy̓awiƛ Weekend for Trip Leaders (June 20-22)

Originally published at: https://accvi.ca/events/hisimy̓awiƛ-weekend-for-trip-leaders-june-20-22/

Come and join other leaders and prospective leaders for a fun weekend at Hišimy̓awiƛ!

We have booked our hut on 5040 for the June 20-22 weekend. This free and fun event is intended to create an incentive for leaders to put trips on the schedule. New, prospective and current leaders are very welcome to join. Former leaders who are ready to start posting trips again are also very welcome.

Hike up to our amazing hut, meet other leaders, plan trips, learn from others and play indoors and out!

Organized by Rachel Treloar and Becky Noble.

For more information or to register please contact Rachel Treloar (rachelmtreloar@gmail.com)