Comox Glacier June 23-25

Comox Glacier - June 23-25

As COVID restrictions were about to be relaxed, it seemed a good opportunity to organize a mid-week trip to use the ACCVI access key to Comox Main to explore options off of Comox Glacier. I think this was the first official post-COVID ACCVI trip, and as it was pretty short notice, there was just myself and John Ballantyne on the trip.

Organizing and picking up the key through Val went without a hitch, and off we went. We saw more bears than people on the drive in, but were happy to have radios for a heads up to oncoming logging traffic.

We had a bit of a late start, and managed to make it up to the ridge before the frog ponds by dark. The snow level was still pretty low, but fortunately all we had to do was follow the ridge to lone tree pass and head up to the glacier the next morning.

We spent the remainder of the day exploring around the glacier and checking out access to Argus and Harmston, but the heat wave was making the snow pretty soft, and those summits would have to wait for another trip.

We had an amazing sunset as we Bivyed on the Glacier, and returned to the car the next day.

Dave Fishwick.